The General Secretariat of Central Library

     The General Secretariat of the Central Library was founded in coincidence with the Fallujah University founding in 2014. This formation seeks to actively contribute to achieving the goals and mission of the university in producing skilled workforce and qualified researchers, scholars, and professors capable of highlighting the bright image of Iraq.


  •  Support and serve the educational process, curricula, and academic programs at the university, its colleges, and centers, providing library services to readers and researchers.
  • Contribute to the transfer of intellectual and academic heritage, enhancing research activism, serving the community, and building a digital environment that keeps pace with technological developments in electronic publishing. This, in turn, will increase the speed of communication among researchers.
  •  Procure digital books produced by prestigious universities worldwide as well as those produced by global commercial publishers in various disciplines, an action that minimize time and efforts for faculty members and researchers to have swifter access to digital resources.


Enhance the role of the library as a key factor in the scientific research process and as a catalyst to the educational process, based on the university's directives guided by the university mission to offer a high-quality higher education through sound library planning.


Support the educational and research programs of all university institutions by providing better access to information resources. We work towards this goal through digital environments and social networking platforms, meeting their immediate needs as quickly and efficiently as possible to achieve an interactive environment between the library and the beneficiary.


  1. Provide information resources according to approved standards tailored to the beneficiaries' needs.
  2. Organize information resources in a scholarly fashion and storing them to ensure quick, accurate, and easy access while ensuring their safety and preservation.
  3. Use advanced methodology to offer optimal library and information services to beneficiaries.
  4. Offer guidance and counseling Train to beneficiaries on how to use the library and best benefit from its information resources.
  5. Host public and specialized book fairs and participate in other fairs.
  6. Craft a digital environment that meets the needs of beneficiaries and investing in providing information services.

Department Office

  1. Administrative Office
  2. Office of Technical Affairs
  3. Customer Service Office
  4. Office of Automated Systems
  5. Office of Continued Learning

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